News 2007

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- 6.12.
Agilitytävling här i Joensuu. Jonni fick en nolla (hans 10. nolla i år !!)
och 2 x 5 felpoäng med placeringar: 7., 2. och 3. !! / Agility
competitions here in Joensuu. Jonni got a clear round (his 10. clear round this
year !!) and 2 x 5 faults with placings: 7., 2. and 3. !!
- 3.11.
Utställning i Vyborg, Ryssland. Jonni fick hans femte Champion titel när han
fick CERT och var både BIR OCH BIG-3 !!! Han blev därför
RUS UCH och kanske också RKF CH !!! Grattis till min fin gubbe !!
/ National dog show in Vyborg, Russia. Jonni finished his 5th Ch title
when he got CAC and was BOB. He did well in the Groups as well. He was 3rd in
the Group finals !!! Well done my lovely !! So Jonni is now a new RUS CH and
maybe also he receives RKF CH title as well.
- 20.10.
Disktriktmästerskaps tävlingar i agility här i Joensuu. Niina ledde Jonni igen.
Dom VANN med en nolla och med snabbaste tid av alla 18 (!!) hundar
den första deltävlingen och blev fjärde med en nolla i den andra deltävlingen. I
slutresultat Jonni var den bästa med dubbelnolla så han var
Disktriktmästare i 2007
!!! Detta betyder att han fick en plats till FM-08 !!!!
/ Regional agility championships competitions here in Joensuu. Niina led
Jonni again. They WON the first competition with a clear round and the
fastes time of all the 18 pairs that were competing. On the second part of the
two-round competition they got a second clear round and were placed 4th. On the
final results Jonni got the best combined time and WON the whole
competition so he is the
Regional Champion of our kennel district in 2007
and thus secured his place in the Finnish Championships in 2008 ! With just ONE
DAY's of competion !! WHAT A DAY !! WHAT A DOG !!! And WHAT A LEADER
!!! Niina and Jonni do make a good team !!!
- 13.10.
Jari tävlade med Jonni i Kajaani. Tre starter. Två första var bra men i den
tredje Jonni var trött och resultat var dåligt. Men i dom första två nolla var
/ It was Jari's turn to compete with Jonni in Kajaani. Two first courses
were good, clear rounds were more than close. On the third one Jonni was tired
after waiting all day (I competed with Bella in MINI1 on the morning) so the
results was less that good. It was a long day for him so tiring was
- 15.9.
Jag tävlade med Jonni i Pieksämäki idag !! Vi fick ju många fel men bara
TRE hundar fick resultat so vi ble tredje !!! Hurra !!
/ I competed with Jonni today. Our final score was not good but the
course was so difficuclt that just 3 dogs got a result so we were placed
3rd !!!
- 8.9.
Jonni tävlade i
Varkaus med sin ny ledare Jari Lukkarinen.
Paret gjorde bra jobb. Bara ett fel i båda klasser och båda banor rejält under
idealtiden !! / Jonni competed with his new leader Jari
Lukkarinen in Varkaus. They did a great job ! Just one fault on each course
and both well under the ideal time ! Well done, both of you !
- 2.9.
Vår hundklubbens egna tävlingar ! De här var vår (JoA) första officiella
tävlingar ! Jag tävlade och också arbetade på platsen ! INTE bra
kombination ! Jonni fick en bra resultat av 3 försök. / Our dog
club's (JoA) first official competition ! I was both working and
competing. NOT a good combination ! Jonni got only one decent result out of 3
tries. And he got way too hot in the lsat run. NOT LOOKING GOOD !!!
- 25.8.
Vi tävlade i agility
i Maaninka idag. 2 felfria banor men vi fick tidfel.
Placeringar var femte i båda klasser. Jag kan inte ännu leda Jonni
tillräckligt snabbt !!! / Today we competed in agility in Maaninka.
We got two clear rounds but with timefaults. I still am too slow for Jonni. But
I am improving.
- 11.8.
Jonni blev
BIR i Karelia Show utställning i Joensuu. Den här var Jonnis 11. BIR !!
Jonni kommer tillbaka till showringen nästa år som veteran !
/ Jonni was shown for the last time in the show ring in Joensuu's
Karelia Show. Jonni was BOB (his 11th BOB !) and this was a propriate way to end
his career. We will come back, however, after Jonni reaches the Veteran
marker of 8 years of age !
- 28-29.7.
Agilitytävlingar i Boden, Sverige. Ingen CERT den här
gången. Hunden var bra, min ledning var inte. Men vi hade ett trevligt veckoslut
i Sverige !
/ We competed the first time in agility abroad. We were in Boden,
Sweden. We did not manage to get the Agility CAC but had a nice weekend in
Boden. Jonni was in great shape but my leading sucked. I just have to improve my
leading so we could get some results some day...!
- 21-22.7.
i Vantaa. I den första banan i Lördag (hoppbana) vi fick 2 fel med övertid och
var 62. mellan 97 hundar. I den andra banan (agilitybana) många hundar
blev diskad men Jonni och jag lyckades att få resultat. Vi var 28. (bara 30 fick
resultat !!) och fick en plats till Söndagens final tävlingar !! Men eftersom
våra resultater var inte sådana att vi hade en chans att få bra resultat jag
gick inte vidare. Vi var i den grupp av 51 hundar mellan 97 ekipage som
fick plats till finalen vilket i min
mening är ganska fin resultat !!! OM jag hade tävlat i Söndag och OM allt hade
gått bra vi kunde ha varit på 20. plats, men jag var nöjd om min beslut att inte
tävla vidare. / Agility World
Championships qualifiers in Vantaa. On Saturday's
first course (jumping) Jonni and I got 2 faults and overtime. The last
course on the day was an agility course and it proved extremely difficult. Only
30 dogs out of 97 got a result !!! And Jonni was among those 30 !!! We were
placed 28th and got qualified for Sunday's finals. But since our results were
not such that we could have gotten a good end result I opted not to take part on
Sunday and withdrew us from the competition. My goal was to qualify for the
second day and that we did. We were among the group of 51 pairs 97 starters who
could have competed in the finals which in
my view is quite good. And IF I had continued and IF all had gone OK (ie. not 2
disqualifications) we could have ended up among top 20 ! But, I was quite happy
with my decision.
- 15.7.
Jag och Jonni tävlade i agility i Maaninka. Vår resultat var 18.28 och 5.71 (10 + tidfel, 0 + tidfel).
/ Agility competitions in Maaninka. I led Jonni this time.Our results were 18.28 (10 + timefault) and 5.71 (just timefaults).
- 30.6.
i Rymättylä. Örjan Skoglund från Sverige var testare. Jonni hade
mkt bra vallanlag enligt testen ! /
Herding instinct test in
Rymättylä. Örjan Skoglund from Sweden took tes test and according to him
Jonni has VERY
- 16-17.6.
i Ylöjärvi. Jonni gjorde en bra bana i lagtävling men jag glömde banan och vi
blev diskad. Men Jonni gjorde bra jobb !! Vår lag fick ingen resultat. I
individuell tävling Niina ledde Jonni. I hoppbana Niina kunde inte leda honom
bra till slalom och dom fick 2 fel. Men deras tid var ändå bara 6.33 över
idealen så Jonni kunde ha gjort en snabb resultat utan Niinas ledningsfel. Den
här var Niinas sista gång när ho ledde Jonni. Jag ska göra det härifrån. /
Finnish Championships in
Ylöjärvi. In the team competition I led Jonni. We did a good course but I had a
black-out and forgot where we should go next and got disqualified. Also our team
finnished without a result. Jonni, however, did a great round and my
leading was good if not that one mistake. In the individual competition Niina
aled Jonni but she did not listen to my advice and led Jonni falsely to the
veawepoles and he made 2 (!!) refusals there. After that they made a nice round
and got only 6.33 sec. overtime. With those refusals it was a great result. It
was a shame that they got the penalties for refusals. This was Niina's last time
as a Jonni's leader. I wll be doing from now on.
- 2-3.6.
Agilitytävlingar i Helsinki. /
Agility competitions in Helsinki.
- 26.5.
Utställning i Iisalmi. Jonni var BH-4. /
Iisalmi dog show. Jonni was BM-4.
- 20.5.
Inte så bra dag idag. Jonni och Niina fick 2 fel och
blev deskad i Lieksa agility tävlingar. / Not so good a day today.
Jonni and Niina got 2 faults and were disqualified in their 2 starts in Lieksa
agility competitions today. Oh well, these things happen. The second round was
fast but Jonni went to a wrong tunnel at the end part of the course...!
- 17.5.
Jonni och Niina tävlade i agility idag. Vi var i
Pieksämäki och Jonni blev tredje i agilityklass och fjärde i hoppklass med
nollaresultat i båda !!! / Jonni and Niina competed in agility today
in Pieksämäki. Jonni was 3rd in agility class and 4th in jumping class with
clear rounds in both classes !
- 12.5.
Lydnadstävling här i Joensuu. Jonni fick 122
poäng med Niina som ledare. Han fick III pris resultat men Jonni visade
med sin beteende att han GILLAR ABSOLUT INTE lydnad
så jag ska låt honom att bli. Inte mera lydnadstävlingar för honom nu. /
Jonni competed in obedience today here in Joensuu. Niina was the leader. Jonni
made PERFECTLY CLEAR that he does not like
obedience. He got 122 points (3rd prize result) but the way he executed the
movements showed that he does not enjoy this field. So he will be "retired" from
the obedience trials for the time being.
- 6.5.
Grupp utställning i Tohmajärvi. Jonni var igen Bästa
Hane och blev BIM. Han deltog också i Fennican uppfödaregrupp som var BIR-uppf.
grupp och också BIS-1-Grupp !!! / Group show in Kiuruvesi. Jonni was
again the Best Male and ended
up as being BOS. He also was in the Fennican Breeding Group which was
BOB-breeding group and also BIS-1-Group !!!
- 28.4.
Grupp utställning i Kiuruvesi. Jonni var Bästa
Hane och blev BIM. / Group show in Kiuruvesi. Jonni was the Best Male and ended
up as being BOS.
- 6.4.
Agility tävling här hemma, i Joensuu. Jonni fick
en nolla och en 5 felpoäng som resultat. Han blev andra och fjärde med snabba
tider. Han fick fel på bommen i den andra banan. / Today we competed her
at home, in Joensuu. Jonni got a clear round and one-faulter with fast times. He
gets faster with every outing !!! He was placed as 2nd and 4th. His only mistake
was on the dogwalk and on the down contact. Just like the last time. We have to
watch this one !!!
- 24.3.
Idag vi var i Siilinjärvi där Jonni tävlade agility.
Hans resultat var: andra pris med femma och nollavinsten ! Han var den snabbaste
av alla minihundar !!! / Jonni took a 2nd place with a 5 faulter and a
CLEAR ROUND win today in Siilinjärvi agility. Jonni had the fastest
times of all dogs in mini class !
- 17.3.
Jonni tävlade lydnad i Pieksämäki (III pris)
och agility i Varkaus (nolla och diskad). / Jonni competed in obedience in
Pieksämäki (3rd prize) and in agility in Varkaus (clear round and disq.). Hard
day for the little one !
- 3-4.3.
Agility träning i veckoslutet. Tränare var
Juha Orenius.
På söndag var vår rasklubbens årsmöte. Jonni fick en vandringspris: han blev
Årets Västgötaspets
i 2006 ! / Agility training in the weekend. Juha Orenius had a two-day course
and Niina took Jonni with her. They did an excellent job ! On Sunday Jonni
received an award from our breed club: he is
The Swedish Vallhund of the Year
in 2006 !
- 24.2.
Jonni var i Tuusniemi i en utställning och var
Bästa Hane och BIM där ! / Jonni was in Tuusniemi in a Group show. He
was the Best Male and BOS there !
- 18.2. Jonni var placerad på den andra plats i vår
andra hundklubbens (PoKS) Klubbmästerskap i Agility för hundar i MINI -
klass i år 2006 !! / Jonni was placed second in our other dog club's yearly
award The Club Champion in Agility for MINI dogs in 2006 !!!!!
- 10.2.
Agilitytävling i Varkaus. Niina och Jonni fick 2
nollaresultat ! Vi fick nu den sista FM-nolla vi behövde !! / Agility
competition in Varkaus. Niina and Jonni got 2 clear rounds and sealed
their entry to this year's Finnish Agility Championships !!
- 15.1.
hos Jari Aho. Jonni hade ua som resultat ! /
was eye examinated. He had clear eyes !
- 1.1.
Gott Nytt År !!! /
Happy New Year !!!!

Tid/Date / Plats/Place /
Fel/Faults / Tid,
Time, timefaults / Resultat/Result / Placering/Place
JOENSUU 6.12. 3 starter / rounds
5 fel/faults
/ tid/time
41.96 / -5.04 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
5 /
/ tid/time
39.76 / -3.24 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0) /
/ tid/time 28.24
/ 0.24
/ resultat/result:
5.24 / placering/place:
3. /
JOENSUU 20.10. 2 starter / rounds
/ tid/time
39.27 / -5.73 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0) /
B 0
/ tid/time
41.72 / -4.25 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0) /
Distriktmästerskapstävling / Regional Championships
0 / placering/place:
1. /
13.10. 3 starter / rounds
5 fel/faults
/ tid/time
39.65 / -4.35 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
5 /
5 fel/faults
/ tid/time
49.01 / 3.01 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
8.01 /
10 fel/faults
/ tid/time 43.71 / 8.71
/ resultat/result:
18.71 / placering/place:
13. /
15.9. 1 start / round
15 fel/faults / tid/time 52.31 / 7.31
/ resultat/result:
22.31 / placering/place: 3. / 9
8.9. 2 starter / rounds
5 fel/faults / tid/time
42.89 / -4.02 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
5 /
5 fel/faults / tid/time 36.44 / -4.56
/ resultat/result:
5 / placering/place: 13. / 21
2.9. 3 starter / rounds
= okänd / disqualified ) (Penttinen Maria)
5 fel/faults
/ tid/time
48.39 / -4.61 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
5 /
15 fel/faults
/ tid/time 51.36 / 7.36
/ resultat/result:
22.36 / placering/place:
6. /
25.8. 2
starter / rounds
/ tid/time 45.66 / 5.66
/ resultat/result:
5.66 / placering/place:
5./ 9
/ tid/time 47.69 / 2.69
/ resultat/result:
2.69 /
5. / 9
28-29.7. 3
starter / rounds (2 + 1)
28.7. HYL
= okänd / disqualified )
/ tid/time
41.17 / 5.14 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
15.17 /
/ tid/time 55.31 / 9.31
/ resultat/result:
19.31 / placering/place:
5. / 12
World Championships qualifiers
2 + 3 starter / rounds
21.7. K1
10 fel/faults
/ tid/time 43.88
8.90 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
/ placering/place: 62./97
21.7. K2 5 fel/faults / tid/time 58.06
12.79 tidfel/timefaults / resultat/result: 17.79
/ placering/place: 28./97
kvalad till finalen /
qualified to the finals
K3 + K4 + K5
borta / absent - 51 hundar fick plats i finalen och
vi fick den okcså / 51 dogs got the place in the finals, us included
2 starter / rounds
10 fel/faults / tid/time 39.28
8.28 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
/ placering/place: 7./16
0 fel/faults / tid/time 45.71
/ 5.71 tidfel/timefaults
resultat/result: 5.71
/ placering/place: 10./16
(lag/individuell) /
Finnish Championships
1 + 1 starter / rounds
( = okänd / disqualified ), lag resultat / team result :
( = okänd / disqualified )
17.6. individuell / idividual : 10 fel/faults / tid/time 38.33
6.33 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 16.33
/ placering/place: 107./136
1 + 1 starter / rounds
5 fel/faults / tid/time 40.78 /
0.78 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 5.78
/ placering/place: 22./45
3.6. 15 fel/faults
/ tid/time 48.49
-0.51 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 15
/ placering/place: 27./64
2 starter / rounds
10 fel/faults
/ tid/time 49.72
-0.28 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 10
/ placering/place: 3./6
( = okänd / disqualified )
2 starter / rounds
0 fel/faults
/ tid/time 35.76
-6.24 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 3./18
0 fel/faults
/ tid/time 35.02
-0.98 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 0 (SM-0) / placering/place: 4./17
2 starter / rounds
0 fel/faults / tid/time 34.10
-5.90 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 2./11
5 fel/faults / tid/time 34.40
-4.60 tidfel/timefaults / resultat/result: 5
/ placering/place: 4./11
2 starter / rounds
5 fel/faults / tid/time 38.73 /
-5.27 tidfel/timefaults / resultat/result: 5
/ placering/place: 2./10
0 fel/faults / tid/time 35.20
-6.80 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result: 0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 1./10
2 starter / rounds
0 fel/faults
/ tid/time 38.99 /
-6.01 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 8./19
( = okänd / disqualified )
2 starter / rounds
0 fel/faults
/ tid/time
40.38 /
-2.62 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 2./13
0 fel/faults /
-0.72 tidfel/timefaults
/ resultat/result:
0 (SM-0)
/ placering/place: 3./12

Tid/Date / Plats/Place / Domare/Judge / Resultat/Result
- 24.2. Tuusniemi domare/judge Marja Talvitie BIM / BOS
- 28.4. Kiuruvesi domare/judge Esko Nummijärvi BIM / BOS
- 6.5. Tohmajärvi domare/judge Jukka Kuusisto BIM / BOS
- 26.5. Iisalmi domare/judge
Kurt Nilsson BH-4 / BM-4
- 11.8. Joensuu domare/judge
Marja Talvitie BIR / BOB
3.11. Vyborg (RUS) domare/judge
Valentina Ivanicheva (RUS) CERT, BIR, BIG-3, RUS UCH / CAC, BOB,

Klass 1 /
Novice Class
Tid/Date / Plats/Place / Resultat/Result
- 17.3. Pieksämäki
III pris / 3rd prize 138p
- 9.4. Siilinjärvi
12.5. Joensuu III pris / 3rd prize 122p