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Joensuu utställningar.
Jonni BH-2 och BIM-VET och BH-3 och BIR-VET.
/ Joensuu dog
show. Jonni BM-2 and BOS-VET and BM-3 and BOB-VET.
Jonni har varit
på utställningar här i Finland med resultat 3 x BIR-VET, 2 x BH-2 och en
BIR. Han fyllde 11 år i 22.4. och vi tävlade i agilty då och han blev FEMTE. 2.6.
vi var i Tånga Hed, Sverige i Rasspecialen och Jonni fick UTM i Veteran
Klasse mend inte CK. Vi också tävlade i inofficiella agitävlingar i 4.6. där.
/ News:
Jonni has been shown three times in Finland with results 3 x BOB-VET, 2 x
BM-2 and once BOB. He had his 11th birthday on the 22nd of April and we
competed in agility that day and finished 5th. 2.6. we were in Sweden in
their Specialty and Jonni got EXC in veterans Class but was not placed. He
competed also in unofficial agility trials on the 4th of June.
ÅR 2011 YEAR
ÅR 2010 YEAR
11.10. Jonni och jag tävlade i Siilinjärvi. Vi blev diskad i båda starter. Jonni lysnade på mig inte als. 6.12. Jonni startade med hans ny ledare Henri i hemmatävlingar. I den första starten dom fick lite övertid och femman på bommen och var på 12 plats. I de 2 andra starter blev paret diskad. Men Jonni gick bra. Henri och Jonni måste bara öva lite mer.
/ Agility news: 11.10. I competed with Jonni in Siilinjärvi. He left me standing at the start on the first course and on the second he vanished from under my command on the 6th fence. DQ on both. But hey, HE had fun ! On the 6th of Dec. Jonni competed with his new leader Henri
and the pair was getting to know each other. The first course went OK, fiver on the dogwalk (down contact, what else? Jonni's usual mistake !) and just a hint overtime. On the two other courses they were DQ but just because Jonni doesn't quite figure out how Henri leads him. Henri is faster than me and Sirkku so Jonni gets heated up and maybe obeys TOO fast. But with a little practise all should go fine. Just give them a bit of time.
Now we are having some time out ! We'll be coming back on the spring !
5.9. Jonni och Sirkku tävlade i DM-tävling i Lieksa. Dom slutade sig på TREDJE plats ! Grattis ! 19.9. jag tävlade med Jonni i Pieksämäki. I den första banan vi gjorde en nolla med lite över 2 sekunder övertid och var på 6:e plats. I den andra banan vi fick 10 felpoäng och övertid.
/ Agility news: On the 5th of September Jonni and Sirkku competed in our Regional Championships in Lieksa. They finished 3rd overall !! Congrats !!! On the 19th I competed with Jonni in Pieksämäki. On the first course we went clear but went just over the ideal time. We were placed 6th among 25 dogs. On the second course Jonni made a fault (my mistake, I tried to make it a running contact) on the down-contact of the dogwalk. The second fiver was MY fault: I made a front-cross on the wall and bumped into it ! How stupid is that ! I looked at the dog, not where the obstacle was ! We also got some timefaults. Placing in unknown because we left before they released the results.
Jonni och
Sirkku tävlade här Joensuu. Dom hade två banor. I den första dom var på 6 plats och fick femman. I den andra banan dom fick en NOLLA (Jonnis andra FM-nolla för nästa år !) och var på ANDRA plats ! Grattis !!!
/ Agility news: Jonni and Sirkku competed here in Joensuu. They had 2 courses. In the first they got a fault in the seesaw and were placed 6th. On the second start of the day the went CLEAR just under the ideal time (the time was tight, only 2 dogs got a clear round !)
and we placed 2nd !!! Great work !!!
1.8. Jonni och
Sirkku tävlade i Junior Cup Finalen i Varkaus. Dom gjorde en fin
nollabana och blev ANDRA !!! 2.8. paret tävlade i Varkaus i
Ungdomarnas FM-tävling. I kvaltävling en fin nolla (FM-nolla
!!) och tredje plats (18 hundar !) och i Finaled dom blev femte
med tredje snabbaste tid men en fel på bommen. Bra jobbad iallafal !!!
Grattis !!!
/ Agility news: 1.8.
Jonni and Sirkku competed in Junior Cup Finals in Varkaus. They were
placed SECOND after a very nice clear round ! 2.8. they
competed in Youth Finnish
Championships, also
in Varkaus. On the qualifying round they went clear and were 3rd
among 18 dogs so they qualified to the Finals. On the Finals they did the
3rd fastest time but got one mistake on the dogwalk, but still finished
5th !! Great job from both of them !!!
9.7. Aginyheter: Jonni har tävlad med mig (3.5. i Joensuu, 5 fel och en nollabana, och 4.7. i Nastola, Agirotu, nolla fel men lite över 12 sec. övertid) och med Sirkku (i Kuopio 24.5.,dom gjorde en nollabana). Jonni tävlad med Sirkku i FM-tävlingar i Tornio och dom kvalade sig till Finalen och slutade sig på 38. plats mellan 133 hundar !!!! GRATTIS !!! / Agility news: Jonni has competed with me (3.5. in Joensuu, 5 faults and a clear round, and 4.7. in Nastola, Agirotu, clear round with little over 12 secs. overtime) and with Sirkku (in Kuopio 24.5.,they did a clear round). Jonni competed with Sirkku in
Årets första
tävlingar gick inte så bra. I den första banan med Sirkku Jonni fick femman
och övertid och var tionde. I den andra (med Niina) paret var diskad. Jonni
hade två agiträningar. 29.3. Tuija Kokkonen tränade oss och 5.4. Tiia
/ Agility news:
The first competition of this year did not go too well. Jonni got 5 faults
with overtime with Sirkku on the first course and was placed 10th. With
Niina on the seond course they were DQ. Jonni had two trainig sessions.
29.3. we trained under Tuija Kokkonen and 5.4. under Tiia Vitikainen.
Jonni har parat
FINUCH Hurradonet Östina Östanvind. Valpar väntas i kennel Fennican i början
av Maj.
Breeding news: Jonni has bred FIN CH Hurradonet Östina
Östanvind. Puppies are expected in the beginnin of May in kennel Fennican.
Utställnings resultat:
Tuusniemi grupp
utställning. Jonni BIM och BIR-VET.
/ Show results: Tuusniemi Group show. Jonni was BOS and
Utställnings resultat:
Vi var i Tartu, Estland.
Jonni var i veteran Klasse och fick
EXCELLENT (Utm.) , var
BH-1, BIR-VET och BIR. Han blev också
!!! / Show results: This year started with a trip
to abroad. We were in Tartu, Estonia. Jonni was in Veteran Class, he got
was BM-1, BOB and BOB-VET and thus became
ÅR 2009 YEAR
Agility träning:
Kokkonen tränade oss idag. Bella skulle ha deltagit men hon har varit sjuk
så Jonni gick istället. Övningar var svåra men vi klarade dem ganska bra !!
Jag måste springa mycket. Vi har en träning kvar i år. / Agility
training: Tuija Kokkonen trained us. I should have taken Bella with
me but she has been ill so I took Jonni with me instead. The courses were
difficult and I had to run a LOT. Jonni was eager and went well. He mad
such a short turn over one fence that Tuija said that it could not have been
done tighter !! Jonni is such a good dog and he turns on a coin. We have one
more training session left this year.
Resultat :
Mikkeli, agility. Rasmästerskapstävlingar ! Jonni fick 5 fel men gick
under idealtiden med MIG !!! Vår placering: 8./29 och i Rasmästerskapet
vi var 3./8 !!!! Andra nyheter: Jonni var
ua i
22.8. !!! / Result: Breed
Championships in agility in Mikkeli. I led Jonni this time. We got 5
faults but went under the ideal time. Our placing was 8th among 29 dog but
in the Championships competition we were 3rd among 8 Valls !!
Hooray ! Other news: Jonni's
eyes were checked
on the 22nd and the were
Also his semen was examined on Monday the 18th and it was of a great quality.
Good enough to be frozen. 95% mobility. So he could be used for AI.
Resultat :
Sawo Show, Kuopio, 2 x INT utställning. 1.8. domare Gert
Christensen (DK) : Jonni BIM-vet
och BIM. 3.8. domare Jukka Kuusisto : Jonni
igen BIM-vet
och BIM. / Result:
Sawo Show, Kuopio, 2 x INT dog show. 1.8. judge Gert
Christensen (DK) : Jonni BOS-vet and BOS. 3.8.
judge Jukka Kuusisto : Jonni again BOS-vet and BOS.
Juli vi har varit i Sverige 2 gånger med bra resultat. / In
July we have been to Sweden 2 times with great results.
Resultat :
Stockholm 6.7. : Jonni VET
/ 3.
Agility: 12-13.7. Boden, Sverige. Tre
nollaresultat, 1 x DQ,
och Championat
Jonni är nu
!!! Han är den andra västgöte som har fått den där titeln ! / Result:
Stockholm 6.7. : Jonni VET
/ 3.
Agility: 12-13.7. Boden, Sweden. Three clear
rounds, 1 x DQ,
and Champion
Jonni is now
!!! He is the second SV in the world who has been awarded this title !
Resultat :
Pieksämäki, utställning (alla raser) 7.6. : Jonni BIR-vet
och BIR. Agility: 15.6.
i agility, Jonni fick NOLLA i den första deltävling och gick till
Finalen. Där han blev diskad. / Result:
Pieksämäki, All breeds show 7.6. : Jonni BOB-vet and BOB.
in Varkaus, 15.6. : Jonni did a clear round in the qualifying round
and got to the Finals. There he was disqualified.
Resultat :
Joensuu, utställning (alla raser) : Jonni BIR-vet, BH-2.
Han var också i Top-8 i BIS-vet tävling ! / Result:
Joensuu, All breeds show : Jonni BOB-vet, BD-2. Also among the
Top-8 in BIS-veteran ring !
Agility :
Resultat / Result :
Pieksämäki 12.4. 0 fel / clear round
och/and 1 x DQ.
Joensuu 26.4. 5 fel / faults och/and 0 fel / clear round,
placering/place 2/13.
/ Award :
YEAR 2007 for the second year in a row !!
Resultat / Result :
Joensuu, agility : Jonni 2 x 0 fel / clear round
och/and 1 x DQ.
Jonni har nu 7 nollaresultat !! / Jonni has now 7 clear rounds !!
Resultat / Result :
Varkaus, agility : Jonni DQ.
Resultat :
Eno Grupputställning (2.2.) : Jonni BIM. / Result:
Eno Group show (2.2.) : Jonni BOS.
Mycket har hänt i
år. Jonni har fått en ny Ch titel (RUS UCH), har blivit DM i agility och har
blivit kvalificerad till Agility FM i 2008, har fått 10 nollaresultat
i agility och placerat många gånger i tävlingar. I år han ska tävla i
agility och vi har planer för World Winner Show i Stockholm i Juli 2008 där
Jonni ska tävla som Veteran. Agility FM och VM -kvaltävlingar är också
sådana som vi ska delta i om vi kan. / This past year has
been busy. Jonni has gotten himself a new Ch-title (RUS CH), has become a
District Champion in Agility thus gotten a place in the Finnish Agility
Championships in July 2008. Jonni has also been placed several times among
top-3 in agility, gotten 10 clear rounds and has competed in both Finnish
Championships and World Champioships Qualifiers. This year our main "targets"
are World Winner Show in Stockholm in July, Finnish agility Championships
and World Championships qualifiers (the latter if we get the required
results) and maybe a AgCh title from abroad (Sweden) ?
ÅR 2008 YEAR
här i Joensuu. Niina ledde Jonni coh dom fick som resultat: 5 fel med den
andra snabbaste tiden, sjunde; nolla med den andra snabbaste tiden, på andra
plats. Jonnis 10. nolla i år ! Och 5 fel med den tredje snabbaste tiden och
tredje !!! Hurra !!! / Agility competitions here in
Joensuu. Jonni competed with Niina. They did great: one-faulter with 2nd
fastest time, 7th place. Clear round (Jonni's 10th this year !!!) with the
2nd fastest time, 2nd place. Finally: one-faulter with the 3rd fastest time
and 3rd place !!! Wow !
Vyborg (RUS) nationell utställning:
Bildsida finns HÄR. / Vyborg
(RUS) national dog show:
Picture page is
Vyborg (RUS) nationell utställning:
Jonni fick CERT, han var BIR och BIG-3 och blev en ny RUS UCH !!! / Vyborg
(RUS) national dog show:
Jonni got CAC, he was BOB and BIG-3 and also became a new RUS CH
updateringar: Agilitytävlingar här i Joensuu. Den var
Disktriktmästerskaps tävlingen. Niina ledde Jonni igen. Jonni vann den
första deltävling med en nolla (snabbaste tiden av alla 18 hundar !) och var
fjärde i den andra deltävling och VANN DM-tävling med en
dubbelnolla !!! Jonni är en ny Distrikmästare-07 i Mini klasse
!!! / New updates:
Regional agaility championships here in Joensuu. Niina led Jonni again. The
pair won the first competition with a clear round and the fastest
time of all 18 dogs. On the second competition they made a clear round
also and finished 4th. With a total of double clear they won the combined
competition and thus Jonni became the Regional Agility Champion of our
kennel district in 2007 !!!
Lite mer
updateringar: Match Show i Joensuu (7.10.)
där Jonni vann Veteraner och var BIS-3 och Bästa Par-2 med Bella. 13.10.
Jonni tävlade i agility med Jari i Kajaani. Dom var på nionde plats två
gånger och var trettionde i hoppbana. / More updates:
Match Show here in Joensuu. (7.10.) Jonni was bets Veteran and BIS-3.
He and Bella were Best Brace-2. 13.10. Jonni and Jari
competed in agility in Kajaani. They were placed 9th twice and in the
jumping course they were 13th.
updatering: Jonni tävlade (med mig !) i Pieksämäki (15.9.)
och vi blev tredje !!! 16.9. vi tränade under Harri
Sepponen. Vi har tränad nu ganska ofta och jag har anmält Jonni i
några tävlingar. Vi ska gå till en utällning också. Jag hade tänkt att vänta
på Jonnis veteran ålder men vi hade en möjlighet att besöka vår granne i Öst
och vi har en bra chans att få ett CERT där och med det ett ny CH-titel så
jag anmälde Jonni dit. / Updates: Jonni and I
competed in agility in Pieksämäki (15.9.) and were 3rd there !!!
Hooray !! On the 16th we trained under Harri Sepponen.
We have trained quite a lot recently. I have also entered Jonni into several
competitions. AND ONE SHOW !!! I thought I'd wait until
Jonni is a Veteran but we got a chance to visit our Eastern neighbour and IF
Jonni gets a CAC he automatically becomes a CH so why not ? The trip is
organized so all I have to do is just get on a bus and that's it ! But no
more homeland shows this year !!!
Två tävlingar
bakom oss. 2.9. Jonni tävlade i Joensuu. Jag ledde 2 klasser och
Maria Penttinen ledde en. Jonni fick en bra resultat ut av tre
starter: femma under idealtiden. Igår Jonni tävlade med sin ny ledare
Jari Lukkarinen i Varkaus. Dom fick en fel under idealtiden i båda
banor som deras resultat. Jättefin start ! Tusen tack Jari !!!! / Two
weekends of competing behind. On the 2nd of this month Jonni competed
here in Joensuu. I led 2 and Maria Penttinen led one class. Jonni got just
one decent result: one-faulter under the ideal time. Yesterday Jonni
was led by his new leader Jari Lukkarinen in Varkaus. It was a
promising start for their co-operation: Jonni went well under the
ideal time on both classes and in each class they just got one fault ! Not
bad for the first time together !!! Thank You Jari !!!
Agility tävling i
Maaninka. Vi hade två felfria banor men fick övertid i båda. Vi var på femte
plats i båda klasser. / Agility competition in Maaninka.
Jonni did two clear rounds but we got overtime in both rounds. But
improvement anyhow. We were placed 5th in both of the classes.
Vi tävlade i en inofficiella agility tävling här i Joensuu. Jonni var tredje i sin klass. / We competed in an unofficial agility competition here in Joensuu. Jonni was 3rd in his class.
Jonni var BIR i
Karelia Show här i Joensuu. / Jonni was BOB in Karelia Show
here in Joensuu.
Vår först agility
tävling utomlands. Vi besökte Boden, Sverige. Vi lyckades inte att få Agi
CERT men vi hade en mycket trevligt resa till Boden, som är en vacker stan i
Norra Sverige. / Our first competition trip to abroad ! We wwent
to Boden, Sweden, to compete in agility. Our aim was to get Agility CAC but
did not had such luck this time. But the trip was such a nice experience
that I shall go there again ! I will just need to get more practise leading
Jonni in competitions first.
VM-kvaltävling i Vantaa. Den här var vår
första gången i den här tävling.
Vår resultat var så bra att vi kvalade oss till finalen, men jag startade
inte där. Jag var nöjd av vår resultat. Jonni var bra men min ledning var
inte. Därför ville jag inte tävla på Söndagen. / World
Champioships qualifiers in Vantaa. Even though my leading sucked I managed
to lead Jonni so well that we got ourselves a place for the finals on Sunday.
But decided to withdraw him. I was more than pleased of the fact the we did
qualify for the finals and my leading was not up to the par compared to
those other competitioers. I decided to spare the dog for the strenuous 2nd
day of the qualifiers. I was pleased about our performance none the less !
Jag tävlade med Jonni i agility i Maaninka efter en lång paus. I den första banan jag gjorde ledningsfeler och Jonni vågrade 2 gånger. Vi fick också övertid.
I den andra banan jag ledde Jonni mycket bätrre och fick bara tidsfel den här gången. /
I led Jonni today in agility in Maaninka. I was rusty since it has been long time since our last course together.
Because of that we got two refusals on the first round and overtime on top of the faults.
When it was time for the second course I had figured out how I should lead Jonni and we had not faults, just overtime. But it was an improvement !!
I was pleased !
Igår jag fick veta (såg i vår kennelklubbens KoiraNet) att Jonnis
halvbror har den ögonsjukdom som här i Finland kallas J175. Det är tråkigt
att han har den. Men Jonnis ögon har varit helt OK 5 gånger när har har
varit ögonlyst. Den sista gången var i den här våren (2007) när han var
nästan sju år så jag kan säga nästan för säkert att han har friska ögon ! / I
found out yesterday (I saw the result in our Kennel Club's database KoiraNet)
that Jonni's half brother has this eye sickness J175. I was saddened to see
the news but this is life. Things happen. This was unfortunate stroke of bad
luck but luckily for me Jonni has clear eyes. Hes has had clear eyes for 5
examinations now, the last one done this spring (2007) when he was nearly 7
years old so I am pretty confident that Jonni has healthy eyes. This J175
manifestes itself often at younger dogs that what Jonni is now so since he heas
not gotten it by now it could very well be that he never will.
tävlade i agility i Pieksämäki idag. Niina ledde honom. Dom
fick 2 nollaresultat och blev tredje och fjärde i sina klasser ! / Jonni competed in
agility in Pieksämäki today. They were 3rd and 4th in their classes with
clear round in both !
tävlade i lydnad idag. Niina ledde honom. Dom
fick III pris i Lydnasklasse I. / Jonni competed in
obedience with Niina today. They got a 3rd prize result in Novice Class.
Jonni var BIM i
en Grupp utställning i Tohmajärvi och okcså med i kennel Fennican
uppfödaregrupp som var BIS-1-Grupp !
/ Jonni was BOS in a Group
show in Tohmajärvi and also in the kennel Fennican Breeding group which was
BIS-1-Group !
Jonni var BIM i
en Grupp utställning i Kiuruvesi !
/ Jonni was BOS in a Group
show in Kiuruvesi !
Jonni fyller 7
år idag !!! Grattis till min älskling !!!
/ Jonni has his 7th birthday today
!!! Congrats to my sweetypie !!!!
tävling här i Joensuu. Jonni fick en nolla med andra plats och en femma och
fjärde plats. Han hade den andra snabbaste tiden i vår klass.
competitions here in Joensuu. Jonni got a clear round and a 2nd place and a
one-faulter and a 4th place and with the second fastest time in our class.
Idag Jonni
tävlade i agility i Siilinjärvi. Han fick 2 placeringar: andra priset med en
femma och en vinst med nolla fel !!! Jonni var den snabbaste minihund idag !
/ Jonni got two podium placings
today in Siilinjärvi agility competitions. He got a 2nd place with one fault
and a clear round victory !!! Jonni had the fastest times of all the small
dogs today !
tävlade idag både i lydnad och i agility. I lydnad han fick III pris
och i agility hans resultat var nolla och diskad.
/ Today Jonni competed both in
obedience and in agility. In obedience he got a 3rd prize and in
agility his result was clear round and disqualified.
och Jonni tränade agility under Juha Orenius, som har vunnit i VM några år
sen ! Paret gjorde ett fint jobb och var prisade !!!
/ Niina and Jonni trained agility
under Juha Orenius, who was World Champion in MAXI dogs some years ago. The
pair did an excellent job and was praised for it !
tog Jonni med henne till Tuusniemi hund utställning. Paret gjorde jättebra
jobb igen ! Jonni var BIM idag !
/ Niina took Jonni to a dog show
in Tuusniemi where they once again did a smashing job ! Jonni was BOS today
!! Fine start for this year's showing season !
Igår Jonni
och Niina tävlade i agility i Varkaus. Dom fick 2 jättefina placeringar med nolla resultat !
/ Jonni and Niina competed yesterday in
Varkaus in
agility. They were placed twice in as many attemps and with clear rounds !!
They secured their place in this year's Finnish Agility Championships !!
deltog i en inofficiella agilitytävling. Han och Niina vann deras klass med
en nolla resultat !
/ Jonni took part in an unofficial
agility competition. He ans Niina won their class with a clear round !!
23.1. Jonni har varit i en ögonlysning (15.1.) med jättefin resultat av ua ! / Jonni was eye examinated on the 15th of January with the excellent result of "CLEAR eyes".
ÅR 2007 YEAR
30. 12. |
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9. 12. |
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Hund2006 / Swedish Winner dog show Jonni fick en jättefin placering ! Han var den andra i Champion klass och fick CK och blev också BH-2 med R-CACIB !!! Domare var Henrik Johansson från Sverige. / Jonni's last show this year and what an ending he had for this season !!! In tough competition he ended up being the SECOND BEST male !!! Jonni's result was: 2nd in Champion Class with CK (CAC quality) , BD-2 and R-CACIB. The judge was Henrik Johansson from Sweden. |
4. 11. |
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Agilityresultat / agility result Jonni tävlade i Kuopio med Niina. Paret fick Jonnis 6:e FM-nolla och placerade till 2:a plats !!! OCH dom vann den inoff. Gambler -tävling med resultat: 96 poäng !!! / Jonni competed in Kuopio with Niina. They were 2nd in the official class with yet another clear round (!!) and WON the unoff. Gambler with the result: 96 points !!! What a pair !!! |
14. 10. |
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Agilityresultat / agility result Jonni tävlade i Kajaani med Niina. Paret fick en FM-nolla till !!! Vi har nu dom 5 stycket ! / Jonni competed in Kajaani with Niina. The pair got yet another clear round qualifier !!! We have 5 of them now ! |
11. 10. |
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Om Jonnis karriär. / Jonni's career. |
9. 10. FIN AgCH !!!! |
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Agilityresultat / agility result På lördag Jonni VANN två tävlingar med nollaresultat här i Joensuu. Han är nu en FIN AgCH !!! / Jonni WON two classes on Saturday here in Joensuu with clear rounds ! He is now a new FIN AgCH !!! |
23. 9. |
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Agilityresultat / agility result Jonni med sin ny ledare Niina Leinonen VANN en agilitytävling i Varkaus med en jättefin NOLLAresultat !!! Jonni fick hans andra nollavinsten till FIN AgCh titel ! Hurra !!! / Jonni with his new leader Niina Leinonen WON a class in Varkaus with a clear round !!! It was Jonni's second clear round win out of 3 needed for FIN AgCH title !!! Yippee !!! Great work, Jonni & Niina !!! |
17. 9. |
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Agilityresultat / agility result Idag vi tävlade i Iisalmi. Jonni fick en rejält nollaresultat från agilitybanan (-8.36 under idealtiden) och vi blev fjärde av 14 hundar. På hoppbanan jag gjorde en ledninsfel och vi blev diskad för Jonni hoppade över ett hinder från den fel riktning. Men vi fick en FM-nolla för nästa års tävling ! / Today we competed in Iisalmi. From the first course Jonni got a clear round with a whopping -8.36 under the ideal time. On the jumping course I made a little fault when leading Jonni to a jump and he jumped it from the wrong direction, so we were disqualified. But we got a first qualifying result for next year's Finnish Championchips ! I have to be happy with that ! |
9. 9. |
Lydnadstävling i Joensuu, Klass 1 / Obedience competition in Joensuu, Novice class Det regnade hela dagen ! Vi borde ha stannat hemma !!!! Jonni ville inte göra något ! Vi fick bara 71 poäng !! Vi skulle ha behövts att få 29 poäng mer om att få ett tredje pris !!! Nå, det var vår tur idag !! / Today it rained and a LOT ! I should have stayed at home ! Jonni hates this kind of weather and he did absolutely NOTHING at the obedience trial today. No heeling, no going down, no jumping. He did not even want to come to me on command since there were a lot of water on the ground and he had to watch out for them !!! He H. A. T. E. D. the weather and boy he showed that !! So, we got a measley 71 points and would have neede 29 more to get even the lowest prize (3rd prize) . So, that was our obedience for today ! Poor boy, he was soaked ! |
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Kommande tävlingar / upcoming competition Jag har anmält Jonni till 3 lydnadstävling och 2 agilitytävling. På nästa lördag (9.9.) Jonni ska tävla i Lynadsklasse 1 här i Joensuu. På 17. 9. vi ska gå till Iisalmi i en agilitytävling. På 23.9. vi ska tävla i agility i Varkaus och 24.9. vi ska åka till Eno och tävla i Lynad där. Jonni är också anmält i en Lydnadstävling som hålls på 8.10. i Liperi. / I have entered Jonni to 3 Obedience and 2 agility competitions. This Saturday (9.9.) Jonni is competing in Obedience here in Joensuu. On the 17th we are going to an agility competition in Iisalmi. The next Saturday (23rd) we are going to Varkaus to an agility competition and on the same Sunday we shall compete in Obedience, this time in Eno. Jonni is also entered to an Obedience competition that is held in Liperi on the 8th of October. |
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Agility tävling/competition Vi hade två tävlingar, en agilitybana och en hoppbana. Vi fick femman och tidfel i agilitybanan och blev undekänd i hoppbanan. Jonni var ganska het och jag kunde inte springa tillräckligt snabbt för honom. Men, sådant är livet ! / We had two starts, an agility course and a jumping course. On the agility course we got one fault and overtime. Jonni was HOT and went way too fast for me. On the jumping course he went to a wrong obstacle and we got disqualified. Well, that is life ! But in a way the mistake on the first course was my fault. I have not been training contacts as much as we should have. Jonni needs some contact training before competitions but this time we did not do them. So him getting a fault on the down contact on the dogwalk was caused by the lack of training. Tough luck. Better luck next time ? |
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Vuokatti Dog Fest, Sotkamo, Grupp ustställning / Group show, FCI 5 & 4/6, domare/judge Anders Cederström (S) Vår sista utställning tillsvidare och Jonni fick den som vad vi ville ha: han var BH-1 och BIR !!! Vi stannade inte till Gruptävlingar, vi gick hem. Jag var nöjd med BIR. Det räcker för mig ! / Our last show for the moment and we got what we came to get: Jonni was BD-1 and BOB ! So, a nice ending for this show season ! We did not stay for the Groups, we left home. I was satisfied with the BOB. It was enough. And the weather was warm (STILL IT IS WARM !) so I did not want to make the dog wait for 3 more hours. He did fine so I left it at that. |
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Sawo Show, Kuopio, INT, domare/judge Owe Germundsson (S) Jonni var Bästa hane, fick en CACIB och var BIM med en kanon kritik ! / Jonni was again BOS wit a CACIB. This time his critique was extraordinary ! It was full of praise ! I am still in cloud nine ! It took my breath away when I read it !! Jonni IS THE BEST ! |
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Sawo Show, Kuopio, alla raser / all breed, domare/judge Wera Hübenthal (S) Jonni vann Ch klasse och var BIM med en mycket bra kritik ! / Jonni won Ch class and was the Best Male and BOS wit a very fine critique ! Maybe the finest he has ever had ! My man outdid himself today ! |
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27. 7. Jonnis resultat från igårs lydnadstävling i Lieksa : 151 poäng och 2:a pris i Klass I. Mer här. / Jonni's result from yesterday's obedience competition in Lieksa : 151 points and a 2nd prize in the Novice class. |
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17. 7. Igår Jonni och jag tävlade igen i agility. Tävlingen hålls i Maaninka och vi fick två placeringar. Två nästan nollabanor. Jag är mycket nöjd !! Jonni visade att han ÄR en bra agilityhund ! / Yesterday we competed in agility again. This time in Maaninka. Jonni did two close-clear rounds (just a bit of overtime) and we were placed in both classes. I was happy to see him perform this well now, since we have not trained properly in ages. Jonni showed that he can perform even without practise ! He is THAT GOOD !!! |
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20. 6. Jag och Jonni fick ingen resultat i Agility FM. Jag gjorde en ledninsfel och Jonni hoppade över ett hinder från fel sida. Jag var nervös och kunde inte skarpa så att vi kunde ha gjort en bra bana. Mitt fel. Men annars vi hade en trevlig resa ! / Jonni and I were disqualified in Lappeenranta. I could not get concentrated enough to make a good round and I made a stupid mistake and that is why Jonni jumped a fence from the wrong direction, hence the disqualication ! My mistake. But hopefully we'll get another chance to correct this unfortunate mistake. Otherwise we had a nice trip ! |
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16. 6. I morgon vi ska åka till Lappeenranta. På söndag vi ska tävla i Agility FM-tävling !!! Idag vi tränade för sista gången. Nu har jag gjort allt jag kan. Mer om nyheter när vi kommer hem på söndag !!! / Tomorrow we are heading for Lappeenranta where Finnish Championchips-competitions in Agility are held. We are staying the night in a cottage about 27 kms from Lappeenranta. Today we had our final training session. I have done all that has been possible for me and now I am just hoping it is enough. I have no high hopes about the end result. We are going to do our best and hopefully it is enough to get us a place on the second round. But...we'll just have to wait and see. More news after we come back on Sunday ! |
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13. 5. Vi tävlade i lydnad idag. Jonni fick 2:a Pris i Nyborjarklass (Klass 1). Mer om resultat finns här./ Jonni competed in obedience today. He got a 2nd Prize in the Novice Class. |
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9. 4. Jonni hade tur !! Min väninna lovade att hon kunde leda Jonni idag i vår agilityträning !!! Jonni var glad att han fick träna !!! Han gick bra och mycket snabbt !!! Vi har en tävling på nästa fredag så det vat bra att han fick en möjlighet att träna !! Jag kan inte ta honom på tävlingen för jag är fortvarande sjuk !!! Jag hoppas att jag ska bli frisk snart !!! / Today was a happy day for Jonni !! My friend took him to train agility !!! It has been a LONG time since he trained last !!! The break showed: he was EAGER and went VERY FAST !!! But he did a clean course although it was a difficult one ! I was the one that chose the course and I chose a course from Berndt Hübbe. This course was in last year's Stadi Games -competition as the first course for dogs from Class 3 and it was a very difficult one. BUT Jonni did a good work, even with a strange leader !! He is such a good boy ! We have a competition next Friday and I still have to find someone who could take him !!! I cannot lead him because I am STILL sick ! I am on a second course of antibiotics and HOPEFULLY this one will kill the disease...! |
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6. 4. Vår rasklubbens årliga Vandringspriserna har delats ut. Jonni var i Årets Västgötaspets -tävling på tredje plats (som i förra året !!) och på femte plats i Årets Agility VS. Alla hundarna som var på andra till femte plats hade 30 poäng !!! / The yearly awards of our breed club have been handed out. Jonni was (the second year in a row !) the third best in The Best SV of the Year -competition. It was a photo finnish in the competition of the second best Agility SV. The total of 4 dogs had the same amount of points !!! Jonni was the "unluckiest" one and finnished at the 5th place. But all the dogs from the 2nd to 5th places had the same amount of points. So one could say that Jonni became the "tied second". The clear winner was no other than Leila (Fennican Lady Leilanie) ! |
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2. 4. Jonni var igår i en Grupp utställning i Polvijärvi. Han var Bästa Hane och blev BIM. BIR var Fennican Priscilla som blev en ny FINUch !! Grattis till Tuula och Cilla !!! / Yesterday we were in a Group show in Tuusniemi. Jonni was BD-1 and BOS. BOB was Fennican Priscilla who became a new FIN CH !!! Congrats to Tuula and Cilla !!! |
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19. 2. Jonni var i två utställningar, en igår och en idag. Resultat var: igår BH-2, idag BIM. / Jonni competed in two shows this weekend. Yesterday he was BD-2 and today he was BOS. |
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11. 2. Vi tävlade idag i agility här i Joensuu, Jonni och jag. Vi hade tre starter och Jonni fick en nolla - resultat till !!! Hurra !!! / We had yet another agility competition today. This time it was in here, Joensuu. Jonni got yet another clear round !!! Wow !! He is in good shape !!! |
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9. 2. Det hän året har börjat bra när det gäller agility !!! Vi har redan fått vår först nolla resultat i år !! Vi var i Varkaus 4.2. och Jonni fick nolla där och var fjärde. / This year has started GREAT when it comes to agility ! We competed in Varkaus last Saturday and Jonni got this year's first clear round there and placed 4th among 14 dogs. |
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1. 1. GOTT NYTT ÅR !!! / HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! |