Jonni in English


Meet Jonni

Jonni is . . . Some Facts:
INT Ch NordW-01 Fennican Jonathan Jovial
Jonni's real name is Fennican Jonathan Jovial.
He was born   April  22nd 2000.
A very "Macho" SV male, who knows his place in the family. He is somewhat spoiled but because he is so sweet I think he deserves it.
He likes attention and he is always willing to do things with me.
Jonni is a succesful show dog. He is a Multi Ch. He has titles such as INT, FIN, S, N, EST, RUS  Ch , EST VET CH and NordicW-01. He has done well, eh? In 2009 he became EST VET CH also !!
Jonni competes in agility in Class 3 and in obedience in beginners class.
More about Jonni:



Jonni has got 8+3 CACIBs and 7 CACs so far.
(8 CACIBs are those that are confirmed to him!)

He has been BOB 15 and BOS  2  times.  He has been BOB-vet 6 times and BOS-vet twice ! He has also been Group 3rd 2 times

In 2003 Jonni was the second best in our breedclub's Länsigöötanmaanpystykorvat - västgötaspetsen yearly competition "The SV of the year" !

In 2004 he was third at the same competition.

In 2006 Jonni was "The SV of the year" !  So he was the Best Allrounder !!!

 In 2007 Jonni won this title again !

Jonni is very good at agility. He gets excited when he sees the jumps. He has done well in agility. We are currently competing
in Class 3, which is the final class. Only thing left to achieve now in the agilityfield is the Agility Champion title...
Maybe some day...?

In the year 2006  that  "some day"  came ! On the 7th of October Jonni became the 5th Vall in Finland to attain the FIN AgCH title !!

  2007 Jonni won the Regional Agility Championships  of our district so he secured his place to Finnish Agility Championships in 2008 in Varkaus !!  It will be his  3rd  time in the Championships !!
In 2008 Jonni and Niina were qualified to Finnish Championships Finals ! 
In addition, on the 13th of July -08 Jonni became the 2nd Vall in the world to attain the S AgCH title !!
In 2008 Jonni, this time with a new leader Sirkku Kouki, won again the
Regional Agility Championships of our district so he secured (again) his place to Finnish Agility Championships next year 2009 ! Last  year Jonni was led by Niina Leinonen.
Jonni has been in Finnish Agility Champioships 4 times and gotten to the Finals 2 times. In 2008 with Niina they got DQ but in 2009 with Sirkku they were in 38th place among 129 dogs !!!
Álso in 2009 Sirkku and Jonni were in 5th place  in Youth Finnish Agility Champioships !!!

Presentation of Jonni   in  "his   own   words" . . .

onni also has herding instinct in him. We have tried that with sheep and he worked well with them . He was herdingtested in 2007 with Very Good herding instincts !!
Likes: Dislikes:
- eating, cottage cheese is a favourite!!!

- agility, loves to go fast and furious...

- Cilla, aka Fennican Priscilla, a very charming SV bitch, Jonni's "girlfriend"

- his "OWN GIRL" Bella, a new ladylike young girl from Sweden, that came into Jonni's life in the summer of 2005. She is going to be the mother of Jonni's puppies in the future if all goes according to plans...

- my mom, aka "Biscuit", gives Jonni treats ...

- running loose with friends, like Riki...

- likes being close to the family, he likes to lie beside you on the sofa, bed, car's backseat when travelling...
- crates, cages, confined spaces....

- going to the vet

- having his nails clipped

- having his coat brushed

- when he is left alone

- water, baths

- having to wait before he can go to a agilitycourse...

- strong scents, he just HATES tobacco and most perfumes

- hates when his "normal" routines are disturbed, he wants things to remain the same

Jonni is 33 cm high, healthy young male.
Hips are B, knees and elbows 0-0 and eyes are  healthy (been checked 5 (!) times).

(See: Examinations)

January 2004 Jonni's back was X-rayed and found perfectly healthy!

Jonni is breed examined having excellent type and being recommended for breeding.
Jonni has got 2 litters, 1+4 pups, 2 bitches and 3 males.
After his show career Jonni is now concentrating on his agility career. Our aim is the AGCH-title.
PS. In 2004 we got the first clear round victory out of the 3 that is needed for the title.
In the year  2006  our  goal  was  met !!! Jonni became the 5th 
FIN AgCH  Vall  when he  got  his  last  clear  round  victory  in  Joensuu on the 7th of  October !!!

In 2008 Jonni made history. He was the 2nd Vall  and the FIRST male Vall in the world to attain the  S AgCH  title !